Re: [*FSFFU*] creative writing and sf

From: Frances Green (jjggww@JUNO.COM)
Date: Wed Nov 26 1997 - 14:08:50 PST

Trivial again, but when (lo these many years ago) I was wading through
slush piles, I found that any submissions that mentioned taking, or
teaching, a creative writing course tended to fall below the general
standard (which was not terribly high). One of the worst offenders, who
doubled EVERY exclamation point in his dialog, claimed to be head of the
Department of English somewhere or other.

I expect my experience was atypical.

Frances Green

PS: If the writer is Susan Palwick who wrote "Flying In Place", I liked
that very much. Did I read that you have a new book either published or
due for release?

On Tue, 25 Nov 1997 08:24:54 -0800 Susan Palwick <palwick@SCS.UNR.EDU>
>On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Kirsten Corby wrote:
>> In a message dated 97-11-21 15:00:39 EST, you write:
>> << I doubt there's been any studies done on this, but I
>> wonder just how many published writers actually TOOK any creative
>> classes or graduated in the "field.".......
>> >>

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