[*FSFFU*] _Strange Days_

From: Erik Tsao (aa1004@WAYNE.EDU)
Date: Tue Dec 02 1997 - 07:02:53 PST

It's funny. When I saw _Strange Days_ in the theater, I felt duly
impressed by the dystopian vision of LA at the turn of the Millennium. It
made me think of Mike Davis's fine book, _City of Quartz_ which is a kind
of cultural history of LA. (Those from L. A. like Kate might find it
interesting reading). But when I rented from the Detroit Public Library,
I couldn't seem to get into it. Maybe it was the experience of sitting in
a theater and having that fantastic music blaring your ears while watching
the events on the screen that I was missing. I think the soundtrack
(especially since I later bought) has had a more powerful effect on me than
the movie itself. One interesting note is that James Cameron said at some
point that he listened to all of the bands on the soundtrack while writing
the screenplay. Anybody own the soundtrack who can attest to the same
thoughts feelings?


Erik Tsao
Department of English
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI

"like bigger thomas
i didn't want to love but what
i loved for. i am."

-- Sonia Sanchez

(From _I've Been A Woman: New and Selected Poems_. Chicago, IL: Third
World Press, 1985. p. 78.)

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