Re: [*FSFFU*] genres, etc. (+ popular culture, back on-topic)

From: Peter Buckland (
Date: Sun Dec 07 1997 - 07:06:56 PST

On Sat, 6 Dec 1997 17:00:22 -0400
Catherine Asaro <asaro@SFF.NET> wrote:

> I have been saddened by the number of readers of my book Catch the
> Lightning that have expressed incredulity that a seventeen year old
> Latina girl without much education could be that intelligent or
> articulate. They should have met some of the kids I knew when I was
> growing up.
Haven't read it, but I know what you mean. Most of my friends are
highly intelligent and articulate, but their backgrounds range from
aristocracy to slum, and their education from PhD to dropout.

Background does not seem to have much affect on intelligence, only on
opportunities to utilise it. The most important factor, as far as I can
determine, is motivation. One friend of mine, seriously dyslexic, was
totally illiterate until somebody gave him Lord of the Rings for his
fifteenth birthday. It took him a long time, but he is now a voracious
reader, although the dyslexia does slow him down. S'funny, he seems to
have a marked preference for fantasy. Can't think why.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Catweasel <>

Life is complex. You know - part real, part imaginary.

Oops! I just discovered that I sent the above response to the
originator instead of to the list. Profuse apologies go to Catherine
for having to see this twice. I shall try to rember to check who I am
posting to before hitting send.

Perhaps I can no longer say:

Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Catweasel <>

Madness takes its toll... please have exact change.

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