[*FSFFU*] My apologies

From: Le Anne Fossmeyer (lfossmeyer@dataworks.com)
Date: Mon Dec 08 1997 - 09:04:26 PST

This is directly mostly to Thomas Grandstad, but also to anyone else who
might have thought I was insulting them. I never meant to insult anyone.

>That's precisely the kind of statement that any recipient would
>offensive, and more: it also appears to be intended to be
>And the tone and content of the rest of your posting(s) seemed
>embellish such an intent, imparting derogatory stuff like 'we
>laughed of the godawful movie', 'it must be another version'
>only one version exists) etc. etc.

I am not so sure I did see the final edited movie. On campus, I've seen
at least two movies that were not the final edits. I know for a fact
that I saw scenes that were cut from the final edits of those movies.
Hollywood really does "test market" some movies, and my city and my alma
mater are often used as the market. San Diego is less than two hours
away from the production companies. It also is fairly isolated--Pacific
Ocean to the west, Mexico to the south, the desert to the east, and one
of the worst newspapers you could want to read--so word-of-mouth or
local reviews, etc, don't really impact national or even regional
product positioning and the like.

I have even more reason to doubt that what I saw was the final edit
besides the fact that people seem to be talking about a different movie.
The students were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding the look
and feel of the film, the scene with Bassett's character's child, the
ending, and so on. Also, I saw the movie a month or two before its
general release to the movie theaters.

So, when I see in this list that people who've shown themselves to be
perceptive and intelligent genuinely enjoyed the movie, I have to second
guess what I saw. I never said people can't be intelligent and like SD
at the same time. I said, actually, the very opposite. Because
intelligent people liked the movie, then maybe I didn't see what they
saw. And I admitted my own bias--because I saw the movie with an
overwhelming majority of non-whites, I might have been overly sensitive
to image of race.

I apologize if I offended you or anyone else on the list.


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