[*FSFFU*] Nancy as president

From: Tanya Wood (twood@CHASS.UTORONTO.CA)
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 09:48:14 PST

Must be more careful when I type in e-mails. I wasn't wondering when
Nancy would make it as president! Although its certainly no worse a
prospect than Ronald was, as one respondant noted. But I WAS wondering
when the USA would have a "first gentleman". In
both in Canada and New Zealand (my home
turf) I note that women only make it when there is such a political mess
that it seems impossible for anyone to clean it up. Canada had Kim
Campbell replacing the unlamented Mulroney, to face an impossible election
(she was definitely a scapegoat) and in NZ, we have just recived our first
female PM, Jenny Shipley ( a Thatcher clone), who by a coup d'etat has
taken over a dreadful coalition goverment and
shrinking popularity ratings. I suspect that the USA might get its first
female president under simular conditions. One notes that women who make
it to the top job often, oddly, tend to be conservative...maybe there is a
Thatcher in the US political wings (although I hope not, my sneaking
admiration for Thatcher aside).


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