[*FSFFU*] Book group

Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 20:05:58 PST

I participate in the Minneapolis-based Second Foundation, an SF book-
discussion club, a group which is about to commemorate its 15th
anniversary next month. I've found it a good way to both expand my
reading and make the reading experience more meaningful. We discuss
any or all works by a chosen author every six weeks - lately, we've
done Mary Shelley, Tanya Huff, Karen Joy Fowler, Nicola Griffith, Dan
Simmons, Terry Bisson... The discussion subject is chosen by old-
fashioned nomination and voting, a process that might be difficult on
line but which seems to work out for us. Lately we've also been
sharing pizza or homemade soup - even more difficult on line...

David Christenson - ldqt79a@prodigy.com

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