Re: [*FSFFU*] Fairy Tale Princesses

From: BJBenesch (BJBenesch@AOL.COM)
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 22:11:28 PST

In a message dated 97-12-14 10:34:08 EST, Honor Wallace wrote:

> When I was young, I read a book called _Beauty_ (NOT the Tepper book) which
> was
> novel-length retelling of "Beauty and the Beast." As I recall, it was
> *wonderful*.
> Unfortunately, I can't remember the author. Has anyone else read this?
> Honor (which, btw, is the main character's real name---perhaps another
> reason why I enjoyed it!)

I know Robin McKinley (who wrote "The Hero and The Crown" and "The Blue
Sword") wrote "Beauty: A Re-Telling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast". I
don't know if that's the one you're talking about, as I never was able to read
it, but it is something I've always been interested in reading, and would
appreciate any comments you or anyone else might have.

Robin McKinley also wrote a re-telling of the Robin Hood legend in which
Marian was a better shot than Robin, and I enjoyed that as well. The title on
that one was "The Outlaws of Sherwood". Just made me think of it.

Barbara Benesch

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