Re: [*FSFFU*] Thoughts on *The Sparrow*

From: Lesley Hall (Lesley_Hall@CLASSIC.MSN.COM)
Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 - 05:44:42 PST

One thing I found interesting about 'The Sparrow' (though like others I found
its 'take' on gender roles not very radical) was the way that several of the
human protagonists were presented as 'outsiders' in various ways, while so
were the Jana'ata Supaari and Hlavin Kitheri--individuals trying to create a
place for themselves within the larger culture. I was also intrigued by the
theme of prostitution/exploitation which recurred on different levels
(physical, intellectual etc).
        But although I think it was trying to do some interesting things with the
leading male figures by not having them stereotypical Action Man figures,
having only 2 human female leads, and those strongly contrasted (to some
extent even archetypal??) didn't really do much to present alternative images
of women.
        However, a compelling read.

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