Book suggestions

From: Kate M Bledsoe (
Date: Sat Mar 22 1997 - 20:35:44 PST


I thought when I signed up for the feminist sf mailing list that I would
just lurk at first, until I figured out what the discussions were like
and everything, only it would appear there is no discussion yet, so my
plan is destroyed. Oh, well, so it goes.

To spark a little bit of mail, I ask the following question: what
favorite books would you rec commend to a young feminist sf fan? I have
read (and thoroughly enjoyed) short stories by Ursula LeGuin, Joanna
Russ, Suzy McKee Charnas, James Tiptree, Jr., and Octavia Butler, but my
local library does not carry books by these authors. I have a limited
budget for actually purchasing books, so I need to choose carefully.
I've read _The Mists of Avalon_, _The Left Hand of Darkness_ (LeGuin),
_Kindred_, and _Wild Seed_ (Butler), so don't suggest those, but I would
be extremely grateful for *any* other suggestions! (At this moment, I am
sick in bed and absolutely desperate for a good book to sink my teeth


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