Re: Influence of Sci Fi on Women

From: sue hagedorn (hagedors@VT.EDU)
Date: Fri Mar 28 1997 - 09:14:15 PST

> Christine Roane's project sounds interesting. She appears to be
>emphasizing positive influences and this made me wonder if others were
>negatively influenced by early Sci Fi...I was.

I too grew up on the Heinlein juveniles. When my daughters insisted they
wouldn't read a story "without a heroine," I looked back over Podkayne of
Mars and was appalled! I think, though,I avoided too much negative
influence because my reading also covered Norton fantasies, Ace Doubles,
and the Swallows and Amazons series--all of which had SOME strong
women--and when I read Heinline, I was constantly but silently rewriting
the "hero" part for ME!

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