Lt. Uhuru

Date: Mon Mar 31 1997 - 11:49:27 PST

Date sent: 31-MAR-1997 14:45:52
SLightly off topic, but I can't resist.

Sunday's NY Times reported that one of the Heaven's Gate people who killed
himself was Nichelle Nicols' brother. [Insert Twilight Zone music here].

RE: influence of SF on women. I didn't read a whole lot of SF as a kid,
primarily because it was *so* male oriented and also way too technological-
-who cared about the space engine, I wanted to know about the people! I did
, however, like Bradley and Zenna Henderson (is that her name? looks
slightly wrong to me), and lots of Ray Bradbury--the spooky stories as well
as "Martian Chronicles," which I adored. Looking back, it was stories
where people and their stories predominated, not where science predominated
, that got me going. (Oh--I also like John Wyndham, and still do). And when
"Women of Wonder" came out, I was hooked. I'm still pretty durned picky
about what SF I will read.


M.Daphne Kutzer
Professor of English
State University of New York "A word after a word after
Plattsburgh, NY 12901 A word is power."
voicemail: 518-564-2427 (Margaret Atwood)
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