Re: Influence of Sci Fi on Women

From: lissa bloomer (ebloomer@MAIL.VT.EDU)
Date: Mon Mar 31 1997 - 21:58:38 PST

Sitting in my office late at night -- had to add to Judith's discussion.
I never read Sci-Fi until college, when I took Len Hatfield's class (here
at Virginia Tech) called "Speculative Fiction." I don't know if he
disguised the course title for those students like me who would have never
ever ever taken a course on what we thought was bimbos and blasters pulp,
or if he used the new titling to better explain the emerging/growing genre.
We certainly didn't read Heinlein or Asimov, so I don't quite know enough
about the works I so readily scoff. All I know about such authors comes
from my sad, albeit quiet, dismay of the cover designs on such texts. (I
am one of those who gravitates towards beautiful covers. Yes.) The only
woman I know who can wear such fashions displayed on such covers is Sherah,
Princess of Power. And her hair and horse are both pink.

I have not read any Marge Piercy. I will.


elisabeth bloomer sometimes you just gotta eat

instructor, english pancakes for dinner.
virginia tech
blacksburg, va 24061-0112

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