Dystopias, utopias, etc.

Date: Tue Apr 01 1997 - 19:10:07 PST

Date sent: 1-APR-1997 22:08:49
There has been a fair amount written on this subject, none of which I have
at the top of my brain (and I'm too lazy to rummage in the file cabinet).

But I'm reminded of a novel I love, on the subject of a single-sex worl:
Laura Gom's "The Y Chromosome." Anybody else know it? I think she's a
Canadian writer. Anybody wants, I'll post a short plot summary.


M.Daphne Kutzer
Professor of English
State University of New York "A word after a word after
Plattsburgh, NY 12901 A word is power."
voicemail: 518-564-2427 (Margaret Atwood)
fax: 518-564-2140
email: kutzerdm@splava.cc.plattsburgh.edu

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