SF Canon?

From: lissa bloomer (ebloomer@MAIL.VT.EDU)
Date: Tue Apr 01 1997 - 22:28:09 PST

Nalo: you are hilarious. but i'm surprised you even dare to display your
science fiction for your literary friends to see. i have been known to toss
delaney's novels under my bed (he'd be so pleased) before guests arrived.
ah me. the tangled webs. have you read _The Motion of Light in Water_?

To Everyone: i'd like to read more sci-fi and need your suggestions. you
all keep tossing titles around that are all new to me. (the world of sf is
only two years old to me. have killed Le Guin; have read most of Delaney;
and every story in Norton's Book of SF. i want to read about strong women
problem is, the bookstores in good ol' Blacksburg Virginia seem to only
carry the old heinlein stuff -- so i don't even know what to ask for. help.

perhaps we could make a feminist sf canon (if that isn't an overwhelming
contraditory of terms).



elisabeth bloomer sometimes you just gotta eat

instructor, english pancakes for dinner.
virginia tech
blacksburg, va 24061-0112

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