Re: Y Chromosome, introduction

From: Sheryl Curtis (maddog@INFOBAHNOS.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 03 1997 - 05:22:10 PST

Hi Heather:

I'm new to the list as well. I'm particularly interested in Francophone sf
(my husband speaks French and my kids are bilingual, but prefer to read in
French so far). Anyway, I would like to know what the six stories you
examined are, if you don't mind. Also, did you read them in French or in an
English translation and if you read them in translation, do you know who the
translators are (I'm a translator so I'm interested in anything to do with
translating sf). Thanks for any info.

Sheryl C.
Montreal, Quebec

>Hi Mala--
>I'm new to the list too (hi y'all), but I just gave a paper on the gender of
>fear, where I examined six francophone sf short stories that contained
>monsters, and tried to determine whether there were any differences between
>the 3 male and 3 female-authored stories as far as fear went. I actually
>found more about the figure of the monster itself, but it was fascinating
>seeing such clear-cut differences between the two sexes...


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