Re: Y Chromosome, introduction

From: Heather MacLean (hmaclean@KENT.EDU)
Date: Thu Apr 03 1997 - 05:47:05 PST

Hi Sheryl!

I'm from Switzerland--but I lovelovelove Montreal... =) The six stories are:

Duvic, Patrice. ãA.C.E.ä 1978. Lâhexagone hallucinŽ. Ed. GŽrard Klein et.
al. Paris: Livre de Poche, 1988. 50-64. (France)

Perrot-Bishop, Annick. ãSpirales de lâamour-mŽmoire.ä DŽrives 5. Ed.
Jean-Marc Gouanvic. Coll. ãAutres mers, autres mondes.ä MontrŽal:
Fictions-Logiques, 1988. 5-40. (Vietnam/ France/ Canada)

Petoud, Wildy. ãLa cage et le jardin.ä Univers 1989. Ed. Pierre K. Rey.
Paris: Jâai lu, 1989. 203-218. (Switzerland)

Rochon, Esther. ãMourir une fois pour toutes.ä Sous des soleils Žtrangers:
Anthologie de science fiction quŽbŽcoise. Eds. Yves Meynard and Claude J.
Pelletier. Laval, CA: Ianus, 1989. 163-182. (Canada) [written in 1976]

Sussan, RenŽ. ãLes dents de lâespace.ä Les insolites. Paris: Deno‘l,
1984. 29-41. (Algeria)

Walther, Daniel. ãLe petit chien blanc qui r™dait seul dans les ruines de
la ville dŽserte.ä Retour ˆ la Terre 1. Ed. Jean-Pierre Andrevon. Paris:
Deno‘l, 1975. 15-42. (France)

I read all these in French, but I'm a translator too. In fact, I'm trying
to get an anthology of Nouvelle Vague short stories that I translated (with
scholarly intro, see my web page) published (it's in the hands of Duke UP at
the moment, and contains the Petoud & Walther stories).

Nice to meet you!


>Hi Heather:
>I'm new to the list as well. I'm particularly interested in Francophone sf
>(my husband speaks French and my kids are bilingual, but prefer to read in
>French so far). Anyway, I would like to know what the six stories you
>examined are, if you don't mind. Also, did you read them in French or in an
>English translation and if you read them in translation, do you know who the
>translators are (I'm a translator so I'm interested in anything to do with
>translating sf). Thanks for any info.
>Sheryl C.
>Montreal, Quebec

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