Re: SF movies, was: Delany

From: Roberta Wolff (onegreycat@MSN.COM)
Date: Mon Apr 07 1997 - 11:46:03 PDT

RuthAnn Wrote:
A few days ago someone mentioned Ursula LeGuin's collection of essays
"Dancing at the Edge of the World"essay about her experiences working with a
filmmaker to make "The Lathe
of Heaven" into a PBS film. She sounded pretty happy with the result.
Anyone seen this? --I haven't.

The fact that the movie was produced by PBS means it was probably sensitively
handled. Ursula LeGuin would have had a good experience, unlike some fantasy
writer's who have watched their works disappear into the money making maw of
"something that would sell," not necessarily say something of the original
purpose and message of the writing. But, this is Roberta, who thinks they
could have done well without some of the bloody messes in DragonHeart. That
was a movie about transformation, not transfusions.

I would love to see "The Lathe of Heaven" if it can be obtained on tape.
Anybody know about that???

Roberta's Cat--

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