Parable of the Sower--thanks

From: Nicola Griffith (
Date: Tue Apr 08 1997 - 15:50:30 PDT

Nalo and Mike, thanks for the correction. How embarrassing to read it
wrongly not just once but twice. Aaargh. (However, if so many other readers
also made this mistake, it makes me wonder if perhaps Butler should have been
just a wee bit clearer.)

Mike, I don't have the citation for the NYRSF review--all I have is the
review itself on disk. I'll post it for you and Mala. (I'll label it
clearly so that those who aren't interested can just delete the file.)
 You'll see that my misreading has led to a certain amount of dissatisfaction
with the novel. Oh, well. Chalk it up to those of those bloody "learning
experiences." Sigh.


Nicola Griffith

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