Re: Tepper's feelings against homosexuality

From: Laura Wigod (laura@OAKRIDGE.COM)
Date: Wed Apr 09 1997 - 17:13:46 PDT

>Nomi I must say it depends greatly on individuals. I for one am
>uncomfortble with gays[ doesn't mean I'll go gay bashing], it's just the
>way I am but I'm fine with lesbians. I have noticed that a lot, most
>people are fine with homosexuality in the opposite sex. I agree though
>usually authors are a little more open but then it also depends on the
>section of SF aimed at.

Hahaha! Forgive me for posting off-topic, but I just couldn't let this one
slide. "People" aren't fine with homosexuality in the opposite sex - MEN
are ok with _women_ having sex with each other, and only because they
envision lesbian sex to be the type they see in straight guy pornography -
you know - lots of peach satin and long red nails and wishing "if only a
man would join us" kinda crap.

I think the reason men feel threatened by male homosexuality is because
they know better than anyone how sexually agressive men can be (this is not
entirely their fault, BTW - a lot of it is pure socialization - ever been
to a lesbian bar? You get to watch dozens of women standing around wishing
someone would ask them to dance! :-D) - it never _occurs_ to them that
women could be sexually agressive at all. So men get creepy when they think
_they_ could get hit on with the same fervor they hit on women with!

I don't think most straight men take lesbianism very seriously - there's a
tendency to think "if they just met the right guy." The concept of
lesbianism has historically been so difficult for men to wrap their minds
around that, while there are thousands of anti-sodomy laws on the books
throughout the world, there are very few anti-lesbian-sex laws.

Getting off my soapbox now.........with a promise to reply on-topic next time!


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