Re: what do students read?

From: Neil Rest (NeilRest@TEZCAT.COM)
Date: Mon Apr 21 1997 - 13:29:31 PDT

lissa bloomer <ebloomer@MAIL.VT.EDU> replied:

>>NH: Do you know what they do read?
>hi nalo et al,
>in my questionnaire/contract i ask my students (freshpersons) what they
>read... usually in a class of 25, 5 have never read a novel all the way
>of 25, about 5 seem to be avid readers. by the end of the semester,
>i think i have changed that -- perhaps my proudest aspect of teaching.
>if i'm lucky, i'll get one student who has read sci-fi. and it's usually a
>young male who reads Heinlein. (one of whom introduced me to the works of
>Giger -- the artist for the movie "Alien")(perhaps the only visual artist
>who could be labelled science fiction feminist???)(anyone know of

In comix, Sherry Rudahl (sp?) and, always, Trina Robbins (only occasionally
sci-fi) come immediately to mind. There's always been some sf in the
Wimmin's Comix series.

Neil Rest

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