Re: Barr's works

From: Neil Rest (NeilRest@TEZCAT.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 22 1997 - 09:00:26 PDT

>>You might be interested in the essay "Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea:
>>Rescuing the Damaged Child"which appeared in the January 1997 issue of The
>>New York Review of SF. It was written by Sandra Lindow (who I have the great
>>good fortune to be married to) and it discusses some of the connections
>>between Le Guin's carrier bag theory, Carol Gilligan's theories of moral
>>development, Le Guin's frequent use of child abuse in her fiction, and
>>her attitudes towards abortion.
>woweee!!! sounds totally incredibly what i need to find. i need to hunt it
>down and bag it. ha.

NYRSF is on the Web. I'm not sure how much of the total published
sccumulation is available.

They're way cool in general; you may want to subscribe. (Oh, and check the
letters following the piece on LeGuin; there's some reasonable stuff about
balancing emphasis of the cited sources.)

Neil Rest

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