Re: Fwd: Like Water for Chocolate

From: Lara Edge (spiney@USIT.NET)
Date: Sun Apr 27 1997 - 19:19:02 PDT

I've read "Like Water for Chocolate" and thought it was great! Whether or
not it was science fiction is probably still an argument up for grabs. I
tend to put it more in the "fantasy" category. Although, I can see an
argument for science fiction -- after all, cooking is a type of science and
the effect in "Like Water for Chocolate" is definitely a bit out there. But
lets face it -- the book appeals to the senses more than the sciences.

Her last book (which came with a CD that you were so supposed to listen to
at key points in the book) was definitely science fiction. It was set in
the future in which television and real life tend to merge. Unfortunately I
can't remember the title of it (although it did have the word "Love" in
it). I'm in the process of moving and that book is all packed up or I'd
look up the title. And on a further note, I'd have to say that this second
book pales in comparison to "Like Water for Chocolate." It just didn't
appeal to the senses like "Water" did and its scientific nature seemed a
bit lacking to me.

What do other folks think?


>Hi I'm Karen.
>has anyone read Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel? the
>author has acknowledged an interviewer's opinion of this work to be
>science fiction. any comments?

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