Re: Fwd: Like Water for Chocolate

From: Neil Rest (NeilRest@TEZCAT.COM)
Date: Mon Apr 28 1997 - 15:28:02 PDT

Lorie G Sauble-Otto <lorie@U.ARIZONA.EDU> wrote:
>Let's be careful in a "feminist" discussion of SF--When we start in with a
>discourse based on "hard science" it gets sticky and sexist. We need to
>begin--as Many Many people, especially women, already have--to realize the
>evolution of the genre--the traditionalist approach to genre is based on a
>masculinist construct.

Excuse me? It appears that you are saying that "hard science" is sexist.
Certainly the human conduct of the activity may be, but in the sense of
method and results, do you mean that there is something intrinsicly sexist
about "hard science"?

And as to the genre, are you saying that hard sf has been sexist (which is
pretty much inarguable!), or are you saying, much more broadly, that
"genre" is somehow sexist?

Hoping that in requesting greater clarity I've been clear myself,
Neil Rest

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