Re: Science as sexist

From: Martha Bartter (MBARTTER@TRUMAN.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 30 1997 - 16:45:04 PDT

At 10:04 4/29/97 CDT, you wrote:
>Let's face it, the phrase "hard science" has a pretty macho ring to
>it! It's probably no accident that men "dominate" the "hard
>sciences," whereas women tend to be attracted to the "softer"
>disciplines and social sciences. Just an opinion.
Men "dominate" -- and that's changing. Try _Fair Science_ by Cole,
and _Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?_ by Harding. Just two I
happen to have handy.

Also -- check out the number of women graduating with science
degrees today. There's no reason to think this opinion will
stick around forever. (Cooking IS a science, ask any chef; it's
only considered "not a science" when any woman except Julia Child
does it.)

Martha Bartter
Truman State University

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