Re: The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

From: Neil Rest (NeilRest@TEZCAT.COM)
Date: Mon May 05 1997 - 11:38:21 PDT

Madalyn Galdamez <mgaldame@SHRIKE.DEPAUL.EDU> wrote:
>I am new to this discussion...and, I am a novice reader in LeGuin's
>literature. I just read The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas and I am
>embarrassed to say, I didn't understand anything!!! Can someone please
help me?

My take on the story is that it's about humanity and compassion: Could you
live a wonderful, perfect life, knowing it was at the expense of someone
else's misery? A possible compare&contrast, IMO, is Harlan Ellison's _The
Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World_. (if I'm recalling the
right title)

Neil Rest

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