Re: Sherri Tepper, Grass, &c.

From: Allen Briggs (briggs@PUMA.MACBSD.COM)
Date: Fri May 16 1997 - 04:42:53 PDT

> I didn't much care for _Beauty_

:-) Seems to be one that folks really like or really hate... I haven't
heard anyone with a so-so reaction to it.

> _Grass_ did rudely drop me at the end, unsatisfied -- but I take it there's
> a sequel? There must be.

I did like _Grass_ a lot. There are two more of her books in the same
universe: _Raising the Stones_ and _Sideshow_. I just read the former
for the first time and the latter for a second time. They're both
fascinating books, but they're not closely tied. Marjorie Westriding
and her companion appear in both, but she's a much more active presence
in _Sideshow_--although her influence permeates _Raising the Stones_.


              Allen Briggs - end killing -

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