Re: summer reading

From: Joel VanLaven (jvl@OCSYSTEMS.COM)
Date: Mon May 19 1997 - 08:11:40 PDT

  Two books I remember fondly from childhood sf that weren't
mentioned (sorry, BI forgot the authors):

Z is for Zacharia
 (a near-future post-apocalyptic (nuclear) story about a girl in an
isolated valley)

So, You Want to Be a Wizard?
 (a book-loving girl on long island finds a strange book in the children's
section of the library and ends up defeating chaos and evil (and
saving the world) with some new friends)

Both feature female protagonists (though the wizard one seems a bit
hetero-seixist in hindsight)

It is difficult to critique books that I read in elementary school (much
less remember details about them). But it is fun to explore those

-- Joel VanLaven

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