Acknowledging One's Inner Book (Re: LHOD questions)

From: Susan Armstrong (anariska@MORTIMER.COM)
Date: Mon May 19 1997 - 23:13:16 PDT

>>Has any dramatization of LHOD ever
>>>actually been produced?
>>I saw a play of Left Hand of Darkness done at a theatre in Chicago

Sounds great -- I'm really sorry I missed it. (Chicago is a bit of a hike
from Montreal, where I was living at the time. But I'd have seriously
considered going there to see LHOD on stage, had I known about it.)

>Yes, I saw this at the LifeLine too (and liked it a lot) about two years
>ago. I could stop by there and ask if they have any information on it if
>you want. I believe it was an original adaptation.

What a nice offer. I would appreciate it very much if you could get the
name of a contact person whom I could write to directly. You're welcome to
e-mail me.

BTW, I first read LHOD at about age 16, in a cottage in the middle of a
Canadian winter, breathing the odors of winter in a silent snowy forest
beside a frozen lake, my skis propped outside the door, ... all around me a
seamless continuation of the Gethenian landscape. Since then, the story has
part of my thinking -- or rather, part of my cosmos -- part of the
underlying subjective terrain, unconsidered, permanent. Along with _Moby
Dick_ and a few others (a fortuitous grouping, no comparison intended).
Though I see LHOD's flaws and feel quite regretful about what it *might*
have been, I'm not really in a position to speak critically about it. Much
as -- for better or worse -- one can't truly speak objectively about one's
family, or childhood friends.

After all these years it would be just too much trouble to distinguish
between what is actually on the pages and what I have brought to them out of
myself. :-)

Which is why I'm a lurker, I guess! So back to the shadows I go!

-- Susan

Susan Armstrong * Vancouver, Canada *

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