Re: Your first SF/F Novel

From: Heather MacLean (hmaclean@KENT.EDU)
Date: Tue May 20 1997 - 07:06:42 PDT

At 03:36 PM 5/18/97 -0500, Monica Gaudio wrote:
>The summer reading thread has gotten me thinking about all those great old
>books that I read, when I was a teenager, and just discovered Science Fiction.
>So, I pose two questions. What was the first SF/F novel you ever read, and
>what was the first "feminist" SF/F novel you ever read?

First SF/F novel was probably _Tarzan_, then the Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars
series. The novel that made the most impression on me, however, was _Dune_,
which I found in an old trunk of my uncle's on a visit to the US, when I was
11. After that, I was a goner.

First feminist novel (at the ripe old age of 25 or so--in grad school, in
any case) was Russ' _Female Man_ -- which I found most unpleasant (since it
upset my whole patriarchal world-view, which I was just beginning to feel my
way through, and finally manipulate, with some amount of success ;).


PS. Molly Gloss' _Dazzle of Days_ turned out to be quite good, if a bit
melancholy. Interesting communal vision of the future, non-utopic or
dystopic. Lewitt's _Interface Masque_ has some very interesting premises,
but I think I liked _Memento Mori_ better.

Next up on the summer reading horizon: _Bending the Landscape: Fantasy_.
*bounce* I somehow missed this when it came out last year.

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