Re: Please, help for an Almost Dead White Male?

From: Joel VanLaven (
Date: Thu May 22 1997 - 08:43:47 PDT

On Wed, 21 May 1997, Nicola Griffith wrote:

> David, just tell them there's some hot cyberspace sex about two-thirds of the
> way through. That should keep them reading... (In other words--I'm really
> not sure. I'm a very bad judge of what will and will not appeal to others.
> Sorry.)

  Don't tell them THAT! Depending on the audience you might want to tell
them that there is sex in it, but never them where :).

  It is a little difficult to judge the difficulty level of most
mainstream books. They all seem fun and (rather) easy to me. What
exactly are they complaining about? are they complaining about the
plot? the vocabulary? the grammar? the strangeness of surroundings?
something else? Ask them. I would think that it would be very difficult
to understand someone else's obviously different mind/mental environment.
The best bet is to have them explain what is going on in their heads.

  Another thing you might want to do is to "prep" them. Perhaps they are
simply not delving deep enough to find the interesting things. So, if you
give them hints about what to look for and so on, they might get more than
a shallow plot-line and so understand and appreciate the book more.
(though this might not be the problem)

Just some ideas,
-- Joel VanLaven

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