Re: sf: swedish

From: Britt-Inger Johansson (Britt-Inger.Johansson@KONSTVET.UU.SE)
Date: Thu May 22 1997 - 01:08:42 PDT

Some SF / F both for adults and children, but not much, has been written
in Swedish. Most of it though is derivative of the tradition in
English-spoken countries to the extent that the protagonists very often
have English namens. Few stories are that good, but there is an exception.
There are some 3-4 novels from the late 60's early 70's by an author
called Bertil MŚrtensson that are both original and well-written. They
definititely would deserve translation to other languages. Swedish SF fans
have published some anthologies in the 70's with short stories from other
culture's than the English sphere for didactc reasons.

My very first stories in the genre that I read were British children's
books about kids travelling to other times through various means and other
stories like that. I used to search for anything like that translated into
Swedish. My earliest SF novels that I can remember were _Dragon Quest_ by
McCaffrey and _Have Spacesuit_ by Heinlein. Between them they got me
hooked at an early age and I ransacked the library shelve's for more. In my
teens the big boon was when I discovered a book-club and the Jules
Verne-magazine all in Swedish. Another victory was when I mastered English
well enough to read novels in it, then the SF / world stood open for me.
The first SF/F book I read in English was Tolkien's _Silmarillion_ at

Okey due to heavy workload, back to lurking mode again.

 Research Assistant
Dept. of Art History
Uppsala slott, Soedra tornet H:0
752 37 Uppsala
Uppsala University

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