Re: Nalo's story

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Fri May 23 1997 - 12:26:32 PDT

>NH: Thank you. And yes, 'tis. {Little Red Riding hood} Though I have
>mixed feelings about that
>being made clear up front. (The _Snow White, Blood Red_ series has been
>a favourite of mine for some time, and I've taken to reading the story
>before the blurb that preceeds it; I guess I just take a bit of pleasure
>in trying to figure out for myself what the base story is.)

You're not alone in that feeling. Several readers have made that comment to
me, including when we did the first collection for our book discussion
group. I wonder, has anyone suggested that they move the blurbs to the end
of the stories?

Mysterious Galaxy 619-268-4747
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