Re: Egalia's Daughters

From: Britt-Inger Johansson (Britt-Inger.Johansson@KONSTVET.UU.SE)
Date: Mon May 26 1997 - 06:23:43 PDT

With a blush covering my face I must confess I haven't read it, just read
about it. It was first published in Swedish translation when I was round
16-17 and at that time my feministside were still slumbering. But one day I
will come across it again I trust....


>Dear Bi,
>don't worry about correcting me. I am in York and my library is 200
>miles away in Reading si its actually helpful of you. Did you like the
>book? I thought it was fantastic when I read it at the age of 18. Such a
>*thorough* book.
 Research Assistant
Dept. of Art History
Uppsala slott, Soedra tornet H:0
752 37 Uppsala
Uppsala University

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