Egalia's Daughters

From: Britt-Inger Johansson (Britt-Inger.Johansson@KONSTVET.UU.SE)
Date: Sat May 24 1997 - 03:03:17 PDT

Excuse my correcting your spelling, but the author's name is Brantenberg
with an e not a u. It was published in the late 70's and yes it's Danish.
I'm certain there's a German translation of it.


>Have you read Gerd Brantenburg, The Daughters of Egalia (or
>Egalia's Daughters)? It may be available in a German translation as
>the author is Danish I think. Not a great literary work, but quite superb
>in its biting analysis of gender.
 Research Assistant
Dept. of Art History
Uppsala slott, Soedra tornet H:0
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Uppsala University

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