Re: reproduction

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Fri May 23 1997 - 15:18:25 PDT

Just read an interesting new novel on reproduction rights. _The
Misconceiver_ by Lucy Ferriss. Inevitable to be compared to _The Haidmaid's
Tale_. Well done, I thought, with the protagonist a dedicated but not
political misconceiver (the term for abortionist, now that abortion and
contraception and most of women's reproductive rights are gone). The sad
thing about this book is that it probably will be missed by its most
important audience -- young women who grew up with legal abortion and other
rights, and don't understand how tenuous those rights may be.

Need some rumination time, but if I do a full review, I'll post it if there
is interest.

Mysterious Galaxy 619-268-4747
3904 Convoy St, #107 800-811-4747
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