yes, list is still here!

From: Laura Quilter (
Date: Tue Jun 10 1997 - 07:35:27 PDT

several people have written to me asking why is the list so quiet? i have
no answers but can assure everyone that nobody has been dropped from the
list ...

that said, i'll throw out one book that i recently read and loved: alice
nunn's ILLICIT PASSAGE (from Women's Redress Press in Australia - great
press name). great revolutionary work. re: feminist content, all
throughout the book i kept thinking, ok, strong protagonist does not a
feminist work make; where is the feminist analysis? but at the end of the
book i shut it, thought, whoa. the feminist content sneaks up and bites

* list announcement: i'm archiving list discussions off the
feminist-sf/f/u web pages at

* web-site announcement: i'm looking to move the fem-sf web pages
( off my personal account. My
preferred location would be an academic site -- somewhere with a strong
SF/utopian or gender/women's studies program. Second choice would be an
ISP, with a domain name, and a variety of server features. Ideally the
server would have a database server on it -- Access or whatever -- and the
site could be converted to a fully searchable database. If any of you
have ideas or leads, let me know.

Laura M. Quilter /
Electronic Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be
in your revolution." -- Emma Goldman

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