Re: Topics of curiosity (was: yes, list is still here!)

From: farah mendlesohn (
Date: Wed Jun 11 1997 - 00:51:14 PDT

On Tue, 10 Jun 1997 21:14:46 -0400 Jill Gillham wrote:

> Honestly, I haven't watched the seri (serieses? what's the plural,
> anyways?) since they killed off Tasha Yar, and the character I could
> closely relate to was Wesley Crusher. (Yeah, I know. I was in high
> at the time) Deanna Troi and the female doctors were just never
allowed to
> do anything interesting, in my view.

If anything, STNG is a lot less adventuress than the original.
Certainly, the women are not stretching any boundaries, and all too
often its like being in a psychaiatrists waiting room.

> On a related rant, why aren't the strong female characters ever
allowed to
> live? Tasha Yar was written out early in the series, and other
> in other popular movies that were seen as strong are all dead by
the end
> credits
> Jill Gillham

I maybe wrong, but I think Tasha Yar was written out for posing for
Playboy but then brought back playing her Kardassian daughter.


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