Re: Re[2]: Topics of curiosity (was: yes, list is still here!)

From: Susan Marie Groppi (groppi@HCS.HARVARD.EDU)
Date: Wed Jun 11 1997 - 07:30:04 PDT

> There really isn't a comparison. You can imagine Ivanova running
> the space station herself (maybe she is! we haven't had series four
> here yet) whereas Janeway is more interested in posing on the
> bridge.

Ivanova has run the station all by herself, back at the beginnning of
season two, in the interim between Sheridan and Sinclair. And she did a
damn good job of it, given the circumstances. (I still think that her
briefing of Sheridan when he arrived was one of the best short speeches in
the show...)

> Most importantly, Ivanova is a person with flaws and failings, not
> some kind of godess, and for all her sexual appeal this is not the
> emphasis of her role (unless she, like Dax, is wearing padding).

Right. I started watching Babylon 5 midway through the series--a friend
had a bunch of episodes on tape, and the first B5 I ever saw was "Severed
Dreams". I was extremely impressed, but what I found most compelling
about the show was the female characters. Delenn and Ivanova--right on
hand, not only one strong and positively-portrayed female character, but
two! (when I went back and watched the first season or so, I was also
really impressed with Na'Toth and Sakai, but they were never as pivotal.)
They're so very different from each other, but each is, in a way, a good
feminist role model.

                -- Susan
                                   i found god in myself and i loved her
                                        i loved her fiercely -- n.shange

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