Re: Anita Blake and Strong series women

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Wed Jun 11 1997 - 10:39:27 PDT

>>Honestly, I haven't watched the seri (serieses? what's the plural,
>>anyways?) since they killed off Tasha Yar, and the character I could most
>>closely relate to was Wesley Crusher. (Yeah, I know. I was in high school
>>at the time) Deanna Troi and the female doctors were just never allowed to
>>do anything interesting, in my view.
>That's the same time I quit watching, despite Crusher being a red head
>which usually is an asset in a hero of mine. :)

If you quit watching then, you quit -way- too soon. Check out episodes
from seasons three through seven, especially seasons three and four, maybe
five, too. Gates McFadden (Crusher) and Marina Sirtis (Troi), but mostly
McFadden, noted that they really had to struggle to get anything
interesting to do, but they eventually did and it showed up later in the
series. Troi got her rank advanced above Data, who I think was third in
command. Maybe fourth after Dr. Crusher. Speaking of whom, Crusher
commanded the Enterprise once, stuff the old series women would never get
to do (I'm thinking of Uhura and Yeoman Rand).


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