Re: was Re: And the course winds up...

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Mon Jun 16 1997 - 13:37:34 PDT

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Neil Rest wrote:

> Liposuction is not "pretty much the same thing" as clitoridectomy. The
> assertion is false. Your statement suggests that you deliberately amplify
> the emotional preconceptions which cloud your perceptions, rather than try
> to recognize them.

NH: Neil, you're right. Female genital infibulation is societally
enforced mutilation; liposuction is not. Consider, however, that you
could have made that simple statement to contradict Laura's without the
loaded words that you chose. If I were Laura, I'd be wounded. I'd read
them as a personal attack. I want to make a plea that we try to discuss,
disagree and even argue with each other without trying to take it out of
each other's hides.


"He walked so far/On stilts of songs, of masqueraded story, that the
stars/Were near."
                -Kamau Brathwaite, "Jou'vert"

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