Re: Susan Calvin

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Tue Jun 17 1997 - 13:54:47 PDT

On Tue, 17 Jun 1997, Anny Middon wrote:

> On a broader scale, why did it take science fiction so long to embrace a view
> of the future in which women and men were equals?

NH: Don't have much to say about Susan Calvin. I'd probably have a
similar reaction to yours were I to re-read those stories today. But in
answer to your question above, I'd guess it didn't start happening until
women started writing our own sf stories.


"He walked so far/On stilts of songs, of masqueraded story, that the
stars/Were near."
                -Kamau Brathwaite, "Jou'vert"

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