Re: So who is on this list?

From: Ann Wheeler (
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 07:10:34 PDT

I have been so interested by the many different kinds of former lurkers
introducing themselves in the last few days that I've decided to join the

 I teach English to twelfth graders in an independent school in Nashville,
Tennessee. I started reading science fiction--well, I can't remember when
 I didn't read science fiction. I grew up on a farm in rural Georgia and,
while I loved and still love the farm, I often felt like a "space alien"
myself in the surrounding community. In early adolescence I read Heinlein
and Asimov; in my later teenage years, I discovered LeGuin and Russ. My
interest in reading current science fiction--and specifically, current
feminist science fiction--
 revived this year when I sponsored an independent study with two twelfth
grade girls in (mostly) American science fiction since 1950. (In fact, it
was one of my students who introduced me to this list). The most
interesting books that I've read recently are *The Sparrow* (by Mary Doria
Russell, I think?) and Nicola Griffith's *Slow River.* While I am usually
hesitant to join the conversation on the list, I have found it consistently
interesting over the three or four months that I've been lurking.

Ann Wheeler

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