Re: So who is on this list?

From: Robin Gordon (gordonro@GOV.ON.CA)
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 11:54:04 PDT

Another RANDOM member: to quickly reintroduce myself, I'm an out dyke,
queer activist, socialist feminist, labour lawyer, living, working, and
raising shit in Toronto, though originally from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
SF's just about the only fiction I read, and little enough time for it
either. I love Melissa Scott, Nicola Griffith, Marion Zimmer Bradley,
Vonda McIntyre, Wilhelmina Baird, Emma Bull, and many others.

I too just bought Griffin's decline and fall. Despite my earlier rantings
on the list about Tepper's homophobia and biological determinism in The
Gate to Women's Country, I've taken all the Tepper fans on the list to
heart, and thought I'd give this one a chance.

Robin Gordon

"I am the wall with the womanly swagger."
Judy Grahn

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