Re: Ammonite

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 15:16:59 PDT

_Ammonite_ is a really good book. (My qualification for that term, BTW, is
that it have both a good idea, and be well executed.) It examines the lives
of inhabitants of a planet which only supports females, killing the males.
A woman from off planet who is sent there with a mission must work with the
culture and its mindsets. Hope this helps.

However, I am startled that it is in your "rare books section." Not to
detract from the novel in any way, but it was a paperback original just a
few years ago, and I believe is still readily available in paperback. Are
you sure you have located the correct book?

Mysterious Galaxy 619-268-4747
3904 Convoy St, #107 800-811-4747
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