Re: So who is on this list?

From: Kym Ragusa (vbald@INTERPORT.NET)
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 16:41:37 PDT

Hi Nalo,

Good to meet you too. Thanks for the _Voodoo Dreams_ suggestion. I started
to read it at one time, because it's very much a subject that I'm
interested in, but I couldn't get past the first few chapters. There's
something about the style of writing that frustrated me. I tried to find
the Decolores Project, but no luck. What is it? I'm also really interested
in reading your work.

>I'm a Black/Caribbean writer/reader of sf, and I make a point of seeking
>out sf by writers of colour, specifically Black writers. Don't know if
>you have preferences between science fiction and fantasy, but I really
>enjoyed _Voodoo Dreams: a tale of Marie Laveau_ by Jewell Parker Rhodes.
>It's about Marie Laveau, the "vodoun queen" of New Orleans.
> "Straight she's fantastical, they all do cry."
> -Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle,
> "Nature's Pictures," 1656

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