Re: finding Elisabeth Vonarburg

From: SMCharnas (suzych@HIGHFIBER.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 11:48:56 PDT

At 2:15 PM 7/6/97, Sean Johnston wrote:
> Anyone know of more imperfect matriarchal societies I could read
> This is stretching, but I'd check out S.M. Charnas' _Scorched
>Supper on New Niger_ in _The Year's Best Science Fiction_, 13th edition,
>edited by Gardner Dozois. There's a lot of other good stuff in there
>(incl. 2 LeGuin stories), so it's worth the $17.95 US ($25.99 Can.)

A word -- this story, the first short piece I ever did for publication and
written when I was still fresh out of the Peace Corps and utterly fed up
with straight-white-boy space colonies, is also found in Pam Sargent's
reprinted collection, WOMEN OF WONDER, Vol. II, The Contemporary Years, out
of Harcourt Brace in their Harvest trade paperback line in '95. Lots of
other great stuff in there, too; price, $15.00 US.


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