Re: What is feminism?

From: Joel VanLaven (jvl@OCSYSTEMS.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 12:24:49 PDT

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Sean Johnston wrote:

> >
> > How about the new male birth control pill? That is so cool. This
> >thing is real and is in our own time.
> >
> >-- Joel VanLaven
> Joel,
> Huh? When'd this come about?

  Well, all this is from watching the news, but as far as I know,

1) it's currently in clinical trials (you know how we are about approving
drugs). It could be a while before it is available, but it was in the
news enough for me to hear about it. (I don't follow the news that
2) I think it is a drug that makes the sperm produced by a man incapable
(in some way or other) of "doing it's job" :).
3) I think that it is supposed to be in the 90+% effective range (similar
to female birth control pills).
4) I think it's relatively side-effect free.

 It might be one of those things that never makes it to market, but I have
a feeling there will be huge demand for it as it seems like a very
effective solution with the minimal side-effects (at least it doesn't mess
with anyone's hormones).

If anyone knows more about it (like how it works) I'd love to hear about

-- Joel VanLaven

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