Re: What is feminism?

From: Susan Marie Groppi (groppi@HCS.HARVARD.EDU)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 13:43:13 PDT

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Anastasia McPherson wrote:
> And I wont even start with the etical issues surrounding all of the new
> reproductive technology - but one question - how would you feel if you
> were born of combination anonymous sperm and egg donation and carried by
> a surrogate and would never in your life have any idea where your human
> roots were?

Whatever. How about being an adoptee? It's much the same thing--I have
no idea where my "human roots" are, and really, I think the whole thing is
over-hyped. It would be nice to find out about my birth parents so that I
know what lurks in my medical history, but honestly, I feel no sense of
loneliness or disconnectedness. I -have- a family, a very close-knit and
loving one, and it matters not a bit that we share no genetic material.
What is it with the emphasis on blood kin, anyway?

Yes, I'm aware that many adoptees do feel a loss. It's something that
varies by individual, but it's entirely inaccurate to say that the
disconnectedness causes a loss.

Right, off-topic. Sorry about that, this is one of my button-push issues.

                -- Susan
                                   i found god in myself and i loved her
                                        i loved her fiercely -- n.shange

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