Test Tube Babies

From: Laura Wigod (laura@OAKRIDGE.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 13:21:04 PDT

>>And I wont even start with the etical issues surrounding all of the new
>>reproductive technology - but one question - how would you feel if you
>>were born of combination anonymous sperm and egg donation and carried by
>>a surrogate and would never in your life have any idea where your human
>>roots were?

Ummmm.............better than a child who was rejected by its parents after
birth? Better than a child severely abused by its biological parents?
And.....speaking for many of us, I'm sure....better than a child who is
Only Too Aware of the genetic code it's carrying around! ;-)


P.S. - On the male birth control pill issue, I have serious, admittedly
cynical, thoughts about how motivated a guy would be to take it when the
repurcussions of an unplanned pregnancy have zero physical affect on him.
I mean, he could _lie_ and say he's on it. Sure, so could a woman, but, if
she gets pregnant, _she_ suffers the consequences, not the "father."

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