Re: Birrth Control Books

From: Joel VanLaven (jvl@OCSYSTEMS.COM)
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 11:07:12 PDT

On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Jeanine Pedersen wrote:

> Joel VanLaven asked
> does anyone know of any sf out there that centers on birth control?
> What jumps immediately to mind is Huxley's Brave New World

Maybe it was a stupid question but in my mind, Brave New World is an
example of a work about alternative means of reproduction rather than
specifically about birth control. Many sf works involving alternate means
of reproduction have advanced birth control of some form or other in there
it seems to simply enforce the new method of reproduction.

An example of sf that might be specifically about birth control (sort of)
would be _The Handmaids Tale_ because the extremists in charge are
supposedly reacting to a decreasing birth rate. (I sort of
remember/assume that this was due in large part to increased use of birth

Thanks for the suggestion though,
-- Joel VanLaven

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